(Number IT.3077/2000) - Non-profit Organisation Number 012-500 NPO - PBO Nr 130000130
The Trustees of Hope House Trust
Would like to thank all our donors for their very generous donations towards our Booksale and raffle of the Pieter van der Westuizen etching.
We would also like to thank Jenny Tullis for generously hosting the sale.
And Alison Berrange for kindly donating the etching.
We raised an amazing R41,000.00.
We will use the funds to paint Hope House.
Chairperson Hope House Trust
All proceeds go to Hope House Trust providing accommodation for Adults with schizophrenia
Give generously - it's for a good cause
Our banking details are:Hope House Trust, FNB RondeboschBranch Code: 201509, Account No: 620 217 010 09(Tax certificate available)
Trustees: Alison Berrange, Jane Durham, Jess Mackintosh (Chairperson),Grant Mackintosh, Paul Rode, Peter Smith, Betty Solomon